
Cooking with Children

Many of us have either seen or at least heard of the hit comedy “Married with Children.” This show often portrayed a dysfunctional family but also provided some valuable insights. Similarly, cooking with children can be a rewarding yet challenging experience, offering insights into yourself and how your children view you.

Embracing the Experience

Cooking with children teaches you about yourself and your relationship with your kids. It’s an opportunity to relax and have fun in the kitchen, though it can be difficult if you’re a control freak like me. The kitchen is my domain, making it hard to relinquish control to my children. However, it’s crucial for them to learn important life skills, even if it means dealing with unexpected messes.

Preparation is Key

Before you start cooking with your children, ensure you have all the necessary ingredients and a generous amount of patience. You don’t want to be caught without something essential or have to run to the store in the middle of the process.

Keep It Simple

The KISS rule—Keep It Simple Silly—is vital when cooking with children. Simple recipes are more likely to keep your kids engaged. Most children have short attention spans, so they want to help but can quickly become bored with complicated recipes. Simple, straightforward recipes increase your chances of a successful cooking session.

Clean As You Go

Cleaning as you go is another essential rule. While it may seem easier to clean everything at the end, doing so allows messes to build up. Constantly cleaning throughout the cooking process leads to better results and teaches your children the importance of maintaining a clean workspace. Involve your children in the cleaning process to instill good habits.

Fun and Memories

Cooking with children can be incredibly fun if you can let go of some control. Allow your children to take charge for a day, and enjoy making memories among the flour and sugar. This experience will not only be educational but also a bonding activity that your children will remember fondly.


Cooking with children is a valuable experience that teaches them important skills and provides an opportunity for fun and bonding. By keeping things simple, preparing thoroughly, and cleaning as you go, you can make the process enjoyable and memorable for everyone involved. So, hand over the keys to your kitchen and relish the joy and laughter that come with cooking with your little ones.

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