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The 40-Year-Old Burn Jen

Hey, you know how some women kinda dread turning 40?

Here’s how to make it worse.

“Yeah, you know, REALLY emphasize that 40. So she doesn’t need her glasses to see it.”


“Whoops! Ah, well, same difference, am I right? HAHAHAHAHAHAwhy is Karen crying?”


And best/worst of all:

I also hear 60 is the new 80, so there’s something to look forward to.


Thanks to Sue M., Anony M., & Pam H. for remembering it’s the thought that counts, not the wreckerator.


P.S. Get her this shirt to make up for the cake:

1980 “Original Parts” Tee


It also comes in pink, gray, and black!

  Cake Wrecks

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