Why the Idea of “Having It All” Is Damaging Us

As I scroll through my Instagram feed I see beautiful glossy images.

Images of gorgeous women and their boyfriends traveling to exotic places. Wearing clothes I wish I had.

Images of moms who seem more organic than me. More “together” than me.

Images of homes that are freshly cleaned and styled just right.

Images of entrepreneurs who have their side hustle going strong.

I follow these people because these are areas of life that interest me.

They are meant to be images of inspiration.

If that is the case, why do I find myself feeling anxious, guilty, even isolated when I look at them?

Why do I find myself wanting to avoid Instagram entirely?

Because I have come to believe there is no such thing as “having it all”.

At least not having it all, in every area of your life, during each season of your life.

In the past few decades, women have slowly and subconsciously been led to believe that we should…

be extremely fit with a perfect daily routine, wear the latest trendy clothes, always have our hair and makeup done, a thriving social life and sex life, a hot boyfriend or husband, the perfect 2-3 kids while you’re being a perfect mom, a booming career or side hustle, and a clean house with organic, homemade meals.

Just reading that makes me feel anxious. And exhausted.

What if we can’t possibly do it all and have it all?

What if this images we see of women we “assume” have it all are false?

What if they’re giving up sleep, peace of mind, or financial health?

What if we need to choose, in this season of life, our main three focus areas while letting go of the rest?

That is the key.

Pick the three main areas of your life, that right now, are more important than the rest.

You can’t let the rest go to complete shit or else it’ll be harder to pick up the pieces later.

However, you can say, “you know what, good enough is good enough right now.”

My main three focus areas are:

  • Family
  • Home
  • Self-care

They simply deserve the most of my time, love, and energy each day.

And they are broken down into more components.

Family has these sub-categories:

  • Mothering my kids which includes everything from getting them dressed, to feeding them, to playing.
  • Quality time with my husband (usually reserved to an hour to two in the evening after kids are in bed).
  • Getting all of the chores and errands done to keep my family healthy and safe.
  • Talking with my parents and sister.

Let me know in the comments below!

What are the three areas of your life that demand the most of your time, love, and attention right now?

What can you let go of?





The post Why the Idea of “Having It All” Is Damaging Us appeared first on Alexis Meads | Dating Coach and Dating Expert | Portland Oregon.

This article was originally published here:

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