
  • 'I clock in every day [and] play video games or whatever': Employee automates all their work being able to complete their 8-hour work day in 10 minutes from home

    You've probably heard that old adage about the new hire who goes in for their first day of training ready to do everything by the book but is instead surprised and maybe even disappointed when they're instead taught all of the shortcuts that the experienced grizzled employee has developed over the years, cutting out the parts of the process that are superfluous and unnecessary. The problem is that by learning and only using the shortcuts in the first instance, they're never going to understand the ins and outs of every step of the process as the veteran employee does. It's the same reason your teacher asks you to show your work when completing a math equation. It's not about whether or not you can get to the answer; it's about knowing how you got there. This is because a lot of times in life, and certainly in most technical work, true understanding entails knowing the ins and outs of each step so that you can troubleshoot each and every step to figure out why you're not getting the answer you're expecting. Experience is key here. It's not about creating shortcuts, but about understanding the process deeply. You can't skip steps or create shortcuts without first understanding why each step works the way it does. This understanding is what allows you to skip or change a step without creating unexpected results. At the end of the day, they hired this employee to get a job done correctly and to their expectations. It just turns out that this employee had the means and knowledge necessary to complete the work in a different way than they might have been anticipating… skipping a lot of steps that they would have been completing in perpetuity by instead automating them and overseeing the execution of the automation. This thread caused quite a stir when it was first posted in this online community for workplace discussion, and it remains ever an important and pertinent discussion in the modern workplace where AI and automation is being implemented at every turn.

  • The Best Animal Memes of the Week (September 7, 2024)

    Old McDonald had a farm, EIEIO. And on that farm, he had some memes EIEIO. Well, we've got plenty more memes where that came from. Old McDonald may have had an oink-oink here and an oink-oink there, but he did not have an extensive list of side-splitting animal memes. Sure, Old McDonald might've posted some memes (that he printed out) onto the side of the barn, but the only ones who saw them were the cows, the chickens, and the common house cat. Here, we've got memes for all animal fans. Are you a dog person who can't get enough nose boops out of your system? Are you a cat lady who has all of the insights on the best organic litters? Are you a humble midwestern farmer man who is famous for a song about all the different animals you have on your farm? Then this list is for you. 

  • 35 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (September 7, 2024)

    Do y'all ever get tweets stuck in your head? I certainly do. I'll go weeks at a time with a certain dumb sentence or phrase rattling around my brain, filling up the silence between activities. Is this brain rot, or is this simply what happens when you're on Twitter? The one that's in my head right now I happen to have no physical evidence for. I've searched high and low and I can't find it, but it goes something like this: "I have a two-toast system: one sweet (with jam) and one savory (with hummus). This keeps the humors in balance and the serpent from the garden." It's been knocking around between my brain cells for over a fortnight now and I can't excavate it to save my life. If anyone can find it, please let me know. Such is the life of a lowly Twitter scroller. But chances are, you might get these in your head too. Sorry not sorry

  • 25+ Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (September 7, 2024)

    Nothing like hitting the gym to lift some heavy objects to get the brain calm and the body right. Why is it that lugging around a few metal discs can so drastically improve our mental and physical health, not to mention become our whole personalities? I guess it's just the way humans were designed. But there is such a thing as getting too into the gym. You can alienate friends and family by refusing to go out at night because you need to wake up early for your workout. You might stop being able to fit through doorways. You might spend way too much money on raw eggs. But these are the hazards of becoming a gym bro. And it's patently not for the weak of heart. But we get rewarded with memes. Good memes about lifting that make us feel good. It's really that simple sometimes. So pick these up between sets. 

  • 20+ Howlarious Dog Memes for Dog-Lovers In Need of Their Own Cutesy Canine Companion This Week (September 7, 2024)

    Do you always cut yourself off mid-sentence to point out that cute dog walking by? Do you find yourself on the floors at parties because you'd rather be playing with the host's dog than socializing? Do you hate and refuse to watch movies or read books where something bad happens to the dog? Then do we have news for you! You need a dog. You are a dog person, bestie. Welcome! You love dogs, there is no denying it. So why not become the pawrent you know you're destined to be? What are you waiting for? Your dog will love you back no matter what. It is truly very responsible of you to have waited this long, but you are financially okay, and you have a backyard or are near a park, you are ready, baby! Go adopt your soul fur baby, they have been waiting too and they are ready for your love and to love you! Let these silly wholesome doggo memes convince you even more! 

  • 20+ Book Memes for Full-Time Readers Going Into Cozy Fall Reading Mode This Week (September 7, 2024)

    It's time to read. Yep. First these memes and then back to the book you've been reading lately. Who can stop you?! Nobody, that's who. You are a reader through and through and now is your time to shine, baby! The air is crisp again and days are getting shorter. It's the best time to just curl up with a book and a cup of tea by your drafty window and fall deep into the universe those scribbles on pieces of dead trees take you. It's beautiful. Did you know some people don't get completely transported when they read? That's mind-blowing and unfortunate for them because that is the best feeling ever. When you are so wrapped up in a novel that you forget where or who you even are—THAT'S a good book. And bookworms know that that doesn't necessarily make it a "good" book, but it makes it a good book. Anyway, here are some book memes as a treat.  

  • A Fancy Feast of Feline Feel-Goods for Pet Pawrents That Honor Their Furry Friends (September 7, 2024)

    It's a lovely Caturday to paw at some wholesome cat memes, don't you think?Last weekend, I was apart from my other feline half, and I couldn't be more happy to be home. He got extra treats from me during our reunion, and the cuddles haven't stopped. If you're with your catto, hold them close. Even though they might only have one or two brain cells, one of them is reserved for you, the best pawrent they could've asked for.Though they might act like they don't want to be around us all the time, the minute you leave your cat by their lonesome, I'm sure they're purring at the door waiting for you to get back. Who's going to rub their bellies? We know they can't reach it themselves! The second best thing is loafing in a warm corner of your bedroom so they can be around your scent. That's both so cute and so sad to think of, but they know you'll always come back to them.If you're missing your catto because you're taking a last-minute end-of-summer vacation or they're simply in the next room being coy, scroll these cat memes that'll be sure to go and find them and give them all the kisses they want (or don't want)!

  • 21 Best Parenting Memes for Witty Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can This Week (September 7, 2024)

    Another week, another parenting situation. By situation we mean, a learning experience. Because that's what parenthood is all about, learning and growing for both the adults and the babies. Yes, there are books, classes, and more about how to parent. But anybody who has been a parent knows that you can't ever truly be 100% prepared. Kids are gonna kid. They're going to throw new situations in your face every day and you're just going to have to learn along the way. It's just part of being a parent. And you know what else happens during these situations? Laughter, happiness, and bonding! So make sure to include lots of laughter in your parenting methods. Take these parenting memes for example. They'll have you laughing at yourself and have your baby laughing along with you. (The baby might not know what they mean, but the good times will still be there!)

  • 20 Hilarious Construction Worker Memes to Brighten Up Your 4am Weekend Wake-up Call (September 7, 2024)

    Rise and shine, early birds! Up before the crack of dawn on a weekend. While everyone else is still drooling on their pillows, you're lacing up your boots, getting ready to conquer the day. We know those early mornings aren't exactly a joy ride, but hey, what better way to ease into the grind than with some laughs? We've pulled together 20 memes that'll speak to your construction-loving soul. Whether it's that moment when you realize duct tape really is a miracle worker or the struggle of misjudging just one tiny measurement (and ruining the whole thing), these memes get it. They're here to remind you that no matter how early the alarm goes off, there's humor to be found in the chaos. So, while you sip on that much-needed cup of coffee and mentally prepare for another day of hard work, take a moment to chuckle at these gems.

  • A Bunch of Nerdy Memes for Clever People, You Wouldn’t Get It

    Way before the rise of the hipsters there were nerds. Although not as smug and, frankly obnoxious as hipsters, nerds tend to say things that only they, and a small group of other people with the same interests would understand. The are the originators of the "Umm.. actually" phrase, that only exist to differentiate between those who know and those who do not, in fact, know. "Oh, you don't know what Avogadro's number is? No, you probably never heard of it, why would you? Than you will probably won't get this joke". The thing is, to be a hipster you just have to find some obscure bands and books that no one has heard of, but to be a true nerd you actually have to obsess over a subject, learn it, understand it, memorize a ton of information about it, and in general - live it. does it come at the expense of a functioning social life? Yes, but at least you can scroll through these memes and expel some air out of your nose as you nod and feel good about understanding them. 

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